RAW Picture Viewer

RAW Picture Viewer displays RAW images as well as standart images stored on your disk. You do not need to convert your RAW images to jpg anymore!
- Can Display RAW images after automatically converting them, stores the converted images in a cache library for later fast access.
- Can display ordinary images
- Displays exiff info from the files
- Supports listview, small thumbs, big thumbs, filmstrip and cover view modes
- You can slideshow and slideshow recursively through your library
- Automatic Cache management clears thumbnails according to your criteria, either by number of files in the cache, or size of the cache
- Remote control of the plugin is tested, please report problems or unexpected behaviour with remotes
- Photos can be goruped by date or date/month to be viewed instead of real folder grouping
New Features:
- Database backed up operation. Instead of holding everything in memory, now everything is stored in a database and retrieved when needed.
- Folder customization. Now your pictures can be organized according to your needs. You can group by date (like year/month), or according to exif information like (camera/lens/year/month) kind of organization. And you can switch between folder organizations.
- Picture rotation. You can rotate your pictures with right click and ctrl-right click, or rewind and forward buttons on the remote. Note that original files are untouched, only thumbnail files and slideshow items are rotated when displayed.
- Automatic cache management (removal of old files) should work better.
- Auto backed up databases to recover in case of failures, database is checked against errors on each run.
- Nothing is installed on system globally, though some files are copied into mediaportal installation folder to support database operations (SqlCE version 3.5SP2)
V0.3.0.4, 6/16/2012
- Minor improvements in code stability and possible version mismatch prevention with future mediaportal releases
To be Added
- User customizable custom parameters for RAW Image conversion
- Rating system to be able to group by rating also
- It takes time to create a hierarchy for picture dategroup info. System will autogenerate and autosync these folders, it will take some time and should auto update the content while browsing or plugin is running
Known Problems
- While navigating through thumbnail views with remote, items do not appear in zoomed state, appears to be a skin issue that I am working on.
Known Bugs
Please report bugs to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I am also keeping an eye on the plugin's thread.
ImageMagick suite used to convert RAW images belongs to ImageMagick Studio LLC.
See license.txt in the plugins/dcraw directory under plugin distribution