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Any registered forum user can submit an extension to our repository.

First you must be logged into to the forums, or login to the website using your forum user name and password.

The Add Extension form is very intuitive, and includes instructions to help you enter content. However there are a few cases where additional information is helpful and cannot be easily added to the form.

How to Add (Submit) an Extension

There are two ways to add an extension. 

  1. Select the Submit Extension option from the Main Menu: Download Plugins & Skins > Submit Extension.
    If you use this method, then you must assign a category within the Add Extension dialog. 
    The category box will initially display Root as the category and you cannot add an extension to the root Directory.
  2. Navigate to the main category where you wish to submit your extension
    • Click the 'Add your extension here" button

This will add your extension to the currently selected category, which will display in the Category box:

Change or Add Categories

You may list your extension under as many categories as you wish. In fact, the more the better! 

Everyone has a different way of categorizing things, so the more access points you provide to your extension, the more likely users are to find it.

NOTE:  Your extension will only appear in the Voted Best listings for the main category you chose.

  1. At the top, under Categories, click the link: *Change/Add Category
  2. This opens a box with "<Back" in it.

    If you press the <Back text it lets you navigate the Categories hierarchy and select another category

  3. Click the Update/Add Category button at the bottom to add or change your extension to the category which displays in the Categories box, or click Also appear in this category to add it to an additional Category.
  4. Save
  5. Repeat for each additional category you wish to add.

Your extension will not be copied. Only one listing will be saved, in the main category where you submitted or added it.  It will just be indexed in different locations.

Remove Categories

If you wish to remove one of the multiple categories you have added:

Press the remove button beside the category you wish to remove.

Using Tabs in the Description Field

You may use tabs in Description fields to improve the display and avoid very long descriptions.

To enter tabs:

  • {tab=first tab name} e.g. {tab=Main}
    • Insert content
  • {tab=other tab name} e.g. {tab=Details}
    • Insert another content
  • {/tabs}

Note: Tabbed content will not display in the Web view in the Extensions plugin within MediaPortal GUI.


Here are a few tips to get the most out of your listing

  1. Add at least one dazzling screenshot!  A picture really IS worth a thousand words!
  2. Briefly describe the main function or features of your skin or plugin, highlighting what you think is really special or unique.
  3. Add your listing in as many categories as are relevant, so users will find it no matter where they might look.
  4. Spellcheck your listing - first impressions count! (Yes the editor does have a spellcheck)
  5. Add a link to your forum thread for discussion and support.
  6. Add a link to a Wiki page with installation and getting started instructions. Many new users will avoid extensions with no instructions.
  7. Skins can add links to the Skins Gallery for an even snazzier display of their skin
  8. Sometimes it is not easy to grasp all the benefits of an extension from a static screenshot. Consider a short video demonstrating such features and link it in your listing. If you need help, our community already has some great video producers, just ask!
  9. Don't be shy to ask experienced users to add a review to your listing. Such reviews can be really helpful to new users when they are trying to decide which extensions to try or use.



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