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What's needed to be able to build BD-J for internal blu-ray version

This is what you need to be able to build MP1 master branch that include BD-J

Build instructions:

  1. Install Java SDK library :

    (For x86 or x64 windows : jdk-8u151-windows-i586.exe),

    •  Create a System Environment variable : JAVA_HOME and value "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151" for x86 OS or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_151" for x64 OS (in the case where you install Java JDK SE version 8u151).

      (For x64 windows : jdk-8u151-windows-x64.exe).
    • Create a System Environment variable : JAVA_HOME and value "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151" (in the case where you install Java JDK SE version 8u151)
  1. Install ANT library for build Java :

    • Uncompress in dir (for example "C:\dev\Ant"), this must be the root folder of all files, the bin folder must be on this directory. (The location of the folder can be elsewhere because build process will use the temp variable)
    • Modify the System Variable "Path" In System -> Variable environnement ->System Variable and add by adding at the end: ";%ANT_HOME%\bin"
    • Create a System Environment variable : ANT_HOME and value C:\dev\Ant

    ! from this step, you must know, than Windows will use the modified variable only after restart your computer. !

  2. Update the Libbluray Submodule  :

    Graphic method :

    • When starting to build MP like before, you should be able to have a working BD-J build.
    • It is important when switching from a repo that has not BD-J update to do the following command to update properly the submodule in your GIT repo folder :

      • You must done left click on your Git clone folder, selecting the "Git sync", and you will do, the commands below in the order :

    • Submodule init
    • Submodule sync
    • Submodule update

    Command line :

    1- cmd to the MP repo

    2- Execute those line :

    git submodule init

    git submodule sync

    git submodule update

    call git.exe submodule sync --recursive -- .

    thencall git.exe submodule update --init --recursive --force – .

  3. Update internal Submodule provided by libbluray repo:

    Libbluray include an dedicated submodule in the 3rd_Party folder who includ Freetype2 library for the text rendering.

    Select the libbluray Submodul folder available in the root folder, use left clik on it, and do the same step than for update the libbluray submodule.

  • You have to do the step "update the Libbluray submodule" if you want switch to an older branch before BD-J commit, or updating the submodule to the last update. 



  • Keine Stichwörter

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