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The Extensions Plugin works in conjunction with the MediaPortal Extensions Manager (MPEM) which enables you to easily install and manage all MediaPortal extensions.

The plugin allows you to do many of the same functions within the MediaPortal graphical user interface (GUI). 


You may select from a variety of views to display MP extensions from the side Menu : > Views:

  • Installed Extensions - displays only extensions you have installed via MPEInstaller
  • Online Extensions - displays all extensions which have MPEI installers
  • Updates - displays updates (new versions) to your installed extensions
  • New Extensions - displays extensions added or updated in the last 10 days
  • MP Website Extensions - displays all extensions listed in the MP Downloads Repository (website) MPEI and others.

Installed Extensions

For extensions you have already installed using an MPEInstaller, press F9 or the Info/More button on your remote for the actions context menu:

  • Install allows you to reinstall or select a different version of the extension to install.
  • If an update is available, option 2 displays 'Update' instead of uninstall.
  • The Settings option only displays if the extension has provided a settings option (see Extensions Settings)

Extensions Details

Select an extension in any view to display details:

The 'menu' displays options supported by the extension.

Website View

The Website view allows you to browse the MP Downloads Repository almost the same as if you were in a web browser. 

Select an extension to view the details and screenshots from the MP Website. You may even install extensions from this view if the extensions provides an MPEInstaller.

Installing or Updating Extensions

When your install or update an extension, you must reload MediaPortal to complete the installation



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