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When you try to open TV Server Configuration you see the following error:


Failed to startup tvserviceSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Server stack trace:    at TvService.TVController.get_Cards()    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Object[]& outArgs)    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg) Exception rethrown at [0]:    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)    at TvControl.IController.get_Cards()    at SetupTv.Startup.Main(String[] arguments)  


MediaPortal also fails to tune channels, and all recordings fail.

Origin of the error

TV Server is not able to start successfully because the name or IP address of the computer on which TV Server is installed has changed.


There are four ways to resolve the problem.

All actions below should be carried out on the computer on which TV Server is installed.

Revert Changes

Change the name and IP address of the computer back to what they were previously, then restart the computer.

Update TV Server Database

Note: this method is probably not be appropriate for people who do not already know how to update a database, or for people who are not confident installing and using new software.

Update the contents of the hostName column in the TV Server database Server table to match the current name or IP address of the computer.

Any tool that can be used to modify the contents of a MySQL or SQL Server database can be used to perform the update. For example, you may use HeidiSQL, SQuirrel SQL, MySQL Workbench or MySQL's command line client. Providing specific instructions for using these tools is beyond the scope of this description.

Create New TV Server Database

Note: this method will result in loss of all TV Server settings including channels and schedules.

  1. Locate the TV Server Configuration shortcut on the Windows Desktop or in the Windows Start Menu (Team MediaPortal, MediaPortal TV Server folder).
  2. Right click on the shortcut.
  3. Select properties.
  4. Modify the target field. Add " /Configure-DB" to the end of the contents. For example, the field should end ...SetupTV.exe" /Configure-DB
  5. Click OK to save the change.
  6. Double click on the shortcut.

You should now see the TV Server database configuration dialog:


  1. Ensure that the Hostname field contains the computer's name or IP address.
  2. Change the Schema name field.You must not leave it containing the same name as your current database schema (default: MpTvDb). Any name should be fine as long as it only contains alpha-numeric characters (a to z, A to Z and 0 to 9) and no spaces.
  3. Click Test. A message will show the result of the test. The test should succeed. If it fails, it means TV Server Configuration failed to connect to your database. That may because the credentials (user ID and password fields) are incorrect or the database engine (MySQL or SQL Server is not running). This almost certainly indicates that you are experiencing a different problem, and it is recommended that you close the dialog (click on the red X in the top right corner) immediately and request help from the forum.
  4. Click Save.

TV Server Configuration should now open successfully enabling you to configure TV Server as required.

You should remove the " /Configure-DB" modification from the shortcut target field to ensure that you don't see the database configuration dialog each time you try to open TV Server Configuration.

Complete Reinstall

Note: this method will result in loss of all TV Server settings including channels and schedules.

Completely uninstal MediaPortal and TV Server (full product cleanup) along with the TV Server database engine (either MySQL or SQL Server), then reinstall MediaPortal.

It is critical to ensure that the TV Server database is removed before reinstalling. If you do not do this, the same problem will be encountered after reinstalling. To this end, you should check that all MySQL and SQL Server files have been deleted.


TopicsUpdate MySQL database - get_Cards() error

Using MySQL WorkBench for set the setting at first start.
First all, MySQL Workbench  must be installed on computer, where TVServer is installed and configured.



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