Trakt actively keeps a record of what TV shows and movies you are watching. Based on your favorites, your friends, and the community, trakt recommends other TV shows and movies.
Platforms Supported
- MediaPortal 1.24
- MediaPortal 1.23
- MediaPortal 1.22
- MediaPortal 1.21
- MediaPortal 1.20
- MediaPortal 1.19
- MediaPortal 1.18
- MediaPortal 1.17
Plugins Supported
- MediaPortal's My Videos
- MP-TVSeries
- MovingPictures
- My Films
- OnlineVideos
- Argus TV
- Recorded TV
- Live TV
Skins Supported
- aMPed
- Apollo
- Avalon
- Avallanche
- Black Glass
- Black Glass HD
- Black Glass Nova
- Black Glass Nova HD
- Blue3
- Blue3Wide
- Chroma
- Frames
- LCARS Wide
- Mira
- Maya
- Mustayaluca
- PureVisionHD
- PureVisionHD (Blue)
- StreamedMP
- Titan (Included)
- Xtreme
- One Portal
The trakt add-on for MediaPortal is extremely full featured and includes...
- TV Show and Movie scrobbling, including Live TV broadcasts and recordings.
- Synchronize your watched flags across multiple MediaPortal installations
- Personal TV Show Calendar
- TV Show premieres Calendar (useful to know when the next season of a show starts or to discover new shows)
- See what TV Shows / Movies are currently trending
- Search / Add friends and view your friends watched history and personal watch lists.
- Personal TV Show / Movie recommendations
- Personal Movie / TV Show / Episode watch list
- Play Episode / Movie directly using the Play button on remote if available in local collection.
- Open MovingPictures details and play selected movie from watch list, recommendations, trending and friends watched history.
- Plugin Integration, can view your personal Watch List, Recommendations and Custom Lists directly from MovingPictures or MyFilms plugin.
- Open My Videos Video Info window and play selected movie from watch list, recommendations, trending and friends watched history
- Rate, add to library collection, and mark as watched on various trakt screens
- Rate and add movies/shows to watch list from OnlineVideos Trailers and My Videos / My TV Video Info dialog
- Play Trailers on any selected Movie/Show/Episode (Trailers plugin must be installed)
- Customize settings like Sign in and signup...all from the GUI!
- Skinners have full flexibility to create custom icons on posters in thumb views and an abundance of skin properties to choose from
Getting Started
The trakt add-on for MediaPortal can be configured from both MediaPortal configuration and GUI
- Download and Install Trakt for MediaPortal
- From MediaPortal Home screen or Plugins, select Trakt and go to Settings » Account Settings
- Authorize using your existing trakt account. If you don't already have an account you will be able to create a new one.
- Back in the Settings menu, go to Plugins and enable the plugins you want to scrobble and sync.
Now start watching shows and movies in MediaPortal, visit to view your library/collection, add friends and get social!
Note: If Trakt is not available on home screen, try entering plugins. Use your skin basic home editor to create a home menu item if using BasicHome.
* Fixed issues with invalid dates in settings file when opening configuration tool;
* Fixed issue with loading plugin if TMDb cache contained invalid NUL characters;
* Fixed Invalid Operation Exception when naming threads, issue appears when running imports between trakt and tvseries in config mode;
* Added tv season ratings sync for MP-TVSeries plugin;
* Added support to send HDR information during sync for TVSeries and MovingPictures;
* Added support for 8 digit IMDb ID's;
* Added EpisodeCount and IsSeriesRegular skin properties to show credits;
* Updated MediaInfo support during collection sync for MovingPictures to support MP 1.23 changes;
* Updated Swedish translations, thanks emphatic.
* Added new Audio codecs (DTS-X, ATMOS, DD+) to MovingPictures collection sync. Requires updated MovingPictures to support sending new codecs;
* Added support to view Comments on Lists;
* Added support for Liked Lists (see Ttian skin);
* Added support for Trending and Popular Lists (see Titan skin);
* Added 'CommentCount' property to Movie, Show and Episode objects;
* Updated Titan skin to support Liked, Trending and Popular Lists
* Fixed Cast and Crew context menu items not working from Custom Lists;
* Fixed issues with thread safety in image download handling, should resolve any related crashes;
* Fixed skins incorrectly showing page related properties when leaving window and entering another which does not support paging.
* Fixed a few issues when copying lists;
* Fixed issue where My Videos watched sync did not set the correct watched date in the database;
* Fixed rate dialog opening before directshow graph is released after playing back fullscreen video. This lead to a MP freeze in some situations. Thanks to Sebastiii for patch.
* New authorisation process, existing and new users will need to authorise mediaportal to use your account. This can be done from the GUI in 'Settings/Account Setup' or from the Configuration tool. Skins will need to be updated to support this feature from the GUI, the included Titan skin file has been updated.
* New TV Calendar views and proper paging support. Can now request as far into the future as you like or in the past.
* New Movie Calendar GUI, support to view all or your watchlisted movie release dates for movies / dvds / blurays.
* Added support to view Hidden activities on the dashboard, also added ability to hide shows from the TV calendar.
* Added custom season titles to the facade of the TV seasons GUI if available (e.g. American Horror Story has custom titles per season).
* Added first aired and TV network to the seasons GUI i.e. the air date the 1st episode of each season aired, and for Network this can change when one network cancels and another picks it up.
* Support for setting collected item DTS-X and Dolby Atmos on sync methods. Fixed MP-TVSeries sync not picking up Dolby Digital Plus encoded audio.
* Fixed some possible cases where a crash could occur, initial testing from community suggest this is now resolved.
* The Trakt Rate dialog will no longer work after watching episode/movie if using the WiFi remote plugin, there has been some changes to the trakt plugin which breaks this feature. Disabling the WiFi remote plugin will re-instate the dialog until an update is provided.
* Internal TraktAPI updates, the API is now packaged as a seperate library (DLL) and will be installed along side the plugin. This is so the API can be re-used between MediaPortal 1 and 2 plugins.
* The old Default and DefaultWide skins have been removed from package, these are no longer packaged with MediaPortal.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* All image assets now come from, no longer supplies images from their API. Image requests are localised and preferred language can be changed from configuration.
* Add parental control support to restrict access to media playback, if you do not want access to protected media in certain plugins then enable in configuration. This feature also requires a new PinCode dialog for skins.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Fixed compatibility with OnlineVideos v2.1.0+.
* Added a Show and Season property which publishes how many episodes you have collected.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Support for Movie Box Office. Titan and DefaultWide skin updated.
* Support for Anticipated Movies and Shows. Titan and DefaultWide skin updated.
* Support for Movie and TV Show credits (cast and crew). Titan and DefaultWide skin updated.
* Support for Person Movie and TV Show credits. Titan and DefaultWide skin updated.
* General bug fixes and improvements to dashboard loading.
* Fixed requests not working when username was specified as an email.
* Fixed missing movie title / year on dashboard when new movie added to MovingPictures collection.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Fixed Unwatched sync for Movies not working.
* Added support for new user rating field (10 point scale) in MovingPictures v1.8.1.
* Added support to open a 'Liked' list from user activity stream on the dashboard.
* Added some protection against bad responses from the trakt API for user lists including Watchlists.
* Update local databases when manually rating from the trakt external menu in corresponding plugins (MovPics, MP-TVSeries, MyFilms).
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Added support to view a liked comment from the activity dashboard, the skin's Text dialog is used.
* Added an advanced setting to skip sync of movies that have no online ID e.g. IMDb or TMDb ID. Setting is enabled by default, if your data scraper in MovingPictures, MyFilms or MyVideos does not contain one of these ID's then it is recommended to disable this setting. If setting is disabled then the plugin will also send Title and Year for best match. Most users will have one of these ID's in their database.
* Fixed a serialisation issue when a tv show rating was added to the cache, this would cause a crash on shutdown when persisting to disk.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Added support to view comments and lists that you have 'liked' on your activity dashboard.
* Added support to filter by Types (Movies, Shows, Episodes, etc) and Actions (Watched, Collected, Paused, etc) on your activity dashboard.
* Improved the Multi-Select dialog in the Titan skin
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Fixed crash when adding an episode to the paused cache after playback if the initial get from trakt failed.
* Fixed errors on shutdown when saving the user movie cache.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Added user activity to the dashboard, all data is based on local cached data when syncing occurs (and real-time events with-in MediaPortal). There is no skin changes required if the community dashboard was already supported. The following activities are displayed on your dashboard:
** Recent Watched Movies
** Recent Watched Episodes
** Recent Paused Movies
** Recent Paused Episodes
** Recent Rated Movies
** Recent Rated Episodes
** Recent Rated Seasons
** Recent Rated Shows
** Recent Collected Movies
** Recent Collected Episodes
** Recent Watchlisted Movies
** Recent Watchlisted Episodes
** Recent Watchlisted Seasons
** Recent Watchlisted Shows
** Recent Commented Movies
** Recent Commented Episodes
** Recent Commented Seasons
** Recent Commented Shows
** Recent Commented Lists
** Recent Updated Custom Lists
* User data from trakt is downloaded regardless of enabled plugins and will be available through out the GUI, 2-way sync of data willl only occur for enabled plugins.
* Sync will now pull down Watchlisted Seasons and Rated Seasons, this will allow user data overlays on posters at the Season level for Watchlist and Ratings, these events will also be available on your activity dashboard.
* Sync will now pull down Comments for Episode, Seasons, Shows, Movies and Lists, these events are seen on your activity dashboard.
* Enabled Most Recent Watched and Comments to the User Profile GUI, it will no longer notify feature is not available. This allows you to view your friends and your own most recently watched movies, episodes and comments. Advanced Settings added to control how many items to load, defaults to the most recent 100.
* Added support for view People such as your favourite Actors in the Custom List GUI. You can now combine People, Movies, Shows, Seasons and Episodes in your Lists.
* DefaultWide and Titan skins updated to support People in Lists.
* Added actual watched date to MP-TVSeries database when syncing back watched episodes.
* Removed maintenance section from configuration tool, users wishing to remove / clean-up data on their profile in bulk can use the TraktRater application.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Added new GUI windows to allow skinner to better group buttons in the trakt home screen. TV (ID: 87500), Movies (ID: 87501) and Lists (ID: 87502). Skinners have the choice (not required) to add these buttons and replace the existing Trending, Popular, Watchlist and Recommendations button. You can group Trending Shows, Popular Shows and Recommended Shows in the TV window, similarly you can do the same under the Movies window. All the Watchlists and Custom Lists can be grouped in the Lists window. Changes have been made to the Titan skin to reflect these changes and can be used as a reference for ideas.
* Added new API methods to get TV Show ratings and distribution. Will be used by the TVSeries plugin to import show community ratings.
* Added new Search API method to lookup by an ID e.g. IMDb ID, TVDb ID etc.
* Added new API methods to get TV Show and Movie updates. Used by TVSeries plugin to recognise what shows need an update of show/season/episode ratings.
* Updated Season summary API method to get underlying episodes. Will be used by the TVSeries plugin to import season and episode community ratings.
* Fixed collection/watched overlays appearing on tv season posters when the API returns 0 aired episodes.
* Fixed issue when rating an episode after watching in TV Recordings plugin.
* Improvements to plugin syncing when requesting watchlist, ensure we only get minimum data.
* Improvements to caching of lists when syncing.
* Improvements to MovingPictures sync if lists to categories is enabled.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Added paging support to Trending Shows and Movies, new skin properties and images available for next/previous page items. Titan and DefaultWide skin have been updated.
* Added Popular Movies and Shows GUI, windows support paging. Titan and DefaultWide skin have been updated.
* Added Comment counts to Lists.
* Added support to 'Like' or 'Unlike' a users List.
* Added advanced settings to control how many items to request for Related Movies and Shows.
* Added advanced settings to control how many items to request for Popular Movies and Shows.
* Added a simple command line parser to the Configuration executable. You can now launch the config tool using the following command options: --silentmode, --sync, --closeaftersync. If you're using --silentmode then you do not need to also specify --closeaftersync.
* Added extra validation checks when loading settings.
* Added Ratings Distribution skin properties to the User Profile GUI. Skins can design a ratings distribution graph similar to what is on the website.
* Re-Added Watched Filtering for Related Movies and Shows. Filtering is done client-side and will request more items by default.
* Fixed a possible crash when failing to login to and error is not a Protocol Error.
* Fixed a possible crash when a search query fails due to an error on trakt e.g. a Protocol Error.
* Improved OnlineVideos scrobbler, added pause signal if movie/episode is not considered watched.
* Improved watched/collected calculation in the TV Season GUI that displays the overlay icons on posters. This will now be done based on what has currently aired.
* Updated skin properties that publish the total trending watchers and items being watched instead of whats just on the current page.
* Updated Titan skin:
** Added Comment count to the Lists GUI.
** Updated design of the Search GUI windows, it has been updated such that it presents better with minimal information. Note: The search API does not give extended info for Search so skin should not try to present them. In the future you will be able to design a window which displays detailed info when clicking on a search item.
* Updated DefaultWide skin:
** Added Popular Shows and Movies GUI.
** Updated Trending Shows and Movies GUI to better support Paging.
** Updated Branding.
** Added Likes and Comment counts to Lists GUI.
** Updated design of the Search GUI windows, it has been updated such that it presents better with minimal information.
** Updated General Settings GUI with new Sync options.
* Updated Trakt icon on Configuration Launcher to support 256x256 icon size.
* Updated minimum requirements for MediaPortal (1.8.0)
* Updated minimum requirements for OnlineVideos (1.9.0).
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Added support for Rating TV Seasons.
* Added support to list Comments for TV Seasons.
* Added support to list a Comments Replies, if a comment has replies then you can click on it to load and read them.
* Added support to Like or UnLike a Comment from the Shouts GUI. You can click on a comment to see a list of actions.
* Added support to add a TV Season to your Watchlist.
* Added support to view a TV Show's Season Information from the Plugins External Menu e.g. from MP-TVSeries.
* Added Collected/Watched icon overlays to TV Season Posters.
* Added setting to allow secure communication (HTTPS) with server. This is disabled by default until confident that it works as expected. This can be enabled in Advanced Settings.
* Added online latency logging into seperate file. You can open the CSV file output in the logs directory in a CSV viewer e.g. MS Excel.
* Filter out any duplicate comments. This is detected if the same person writes the same comment.
* Cache custom lists during Sync if syncing of lists is enabled in MovingPictures or My Films. This will result in faster syncs when there has been no changes detected to your online lists.
* Updated logger to keep a history of the last 5 log files, this will be really useful for diagnosing issues.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Improved speed when in syncing the TVSeries plugin. There is still some improvements to make but for large collections / slower CPUs it's going to be a dramatic improvement.
* Improved speed when syncing Playback/Resume data. Will only process newly paused items since last sync.
* Fixed a crash after watching a movie from a supported SiteUtil in OnlineVideos.
* Fixed Sync of TV Show ratings not respecting Ignored Shows set by user.
* Fixed Play Sync not respecting Ignored Shows / Movies by user.
* Fixed issue where movie / episode was marked as watched online after stopping near the end of the video but not considered watched in the local database. It now respects the local percent watched setting and sends a 'Pause' signal to trakt. Possible symptom to this is having two or more scrobbles of the same item if you stopped and played again near the end.
* Fixed issue with Play Sync reverting the stop time of a video to a previous set value if played / stopped several times and 'Sync on Enter Plugin' was enabled.
* Added Shortcut to desktop to quickly launch the Trakt plugin configuration.
* Added PDB file to installer such that more useful debugging information can be seen in logs if an unexpected crash occurs.
* Changed default number of items to request in the Trending Dashboard screens to a maximum of 10 items unless the skin needs more. If filtering is enabled then it defaults to 100.
* Changed default number of items to request in the Trending GUI windows to 100 items per page ({from 1000). This can be changed in Advanced Settings to suit needs. Note: Paging support is not yet implemented.
* Updated URL used for API to point to a dedicated v2 endpoint ''. This will allow for future improvements to speed and stability of servers for v2 users.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Added Playback / Resume Sync, this is enabled by default and will automatically occur when starting MediaPortal or when Resuming from Standby.
** Added option to enable/disable in Configuration and GUI.
** Added option to configure how far back you want to resume from when you previously left off e.g. 5 secs.
** Added option to configure if playback sync should occur when entering an enabled plugin from the GUI e.g. BasicHome -> MP-TVSeries
** Supported on MP-TVSeries, MovingPictures and My Videos. My Films is not supported yet and requires a change on My Films first.
* Added option to do a manual Sync from Configuration and from GUI.
* Fixed an issue where some items were marked as 'Unwatched' in local databases.
* Fixed and improved error reporting in GUI and log.
* Fixed minor issue with Page Count label in Titan's Network GUI.
* Updated Titan skin with new features:
** Added 'Enable Playback/Resume Sync' checkbutton to General Settings.
** Added 'Start Library and Playback Sync' button to General Settings.
* Updated Library Sync on Resume from Standby to respect sync delay setting if sync is due.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
Note: some skin changes are needed for the above settings to be configured from the GUI. See Skin Designers Guide for more information or Titan skin for reference.
As the v2 API evolves so will the plugin, priority will be to re-instate features which are in plugin but not yet in the API.
* Fixed compatibility with WIFI Remote plugin, resolves a crash at end of episode/movie playback when auto-rate was enabled or when invoked manually.
* Fixed issue seen by some users when decrypting trakt password resulting in login failure. Requires password to be re-entered by user on next sign-in attempt.
* Added error notification when failing to load the UserProfile GUI due to bad response for UserProfile and/or Statistics.
* Improve Episode Watchlist loading in GUI after removing an item.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Request for 1000 items in Comments GUI for shows, movies and episodes. New API only returns 10 items per page by default. Later I will add support to sort by most popular comments which will require a larger set of items to be useful.
* Fixes and improvements to Titan skin:
** Fixed ratings in the Episodes GUI. It was showing TV-Show ratings for every episode.
** Fixed SpinButton position in Comments GUI.
** Fixed 'comment' height in Comments GUI.
** Fixed list description height in Lists GUI.
** Pretty formatting for 'vote' count where ratings are displayed.
** Added 'Watchers' label to Trending Shows and Movies GUI (List and Icon layouts).
** Added some missing images needed in various GUI windows.
* Fixed missing 'Titan Skin' entry in MPEI installer where features are selected for install. User can now choose not to install it.
* Fixed a bug where an error would be shown after returning back to the Calendar GUI.
* Improved syncing from Movie plugins where IMDb was an empty string in a users local database, will be sent as null now.
* Added error checking and logging when password fails to decrypt from persisted settings.
* Updated minimum requirements for MovingPictures to v1.7.0.
* Updated minimum requirements for My Films to v6.1.1.3136 (Test DLL).
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Fixed a crash that could occur after watching an episode or movie from your favourte plugins.
* Fixed syncing of movie ratings from online into MovingPictures.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Added support for trakt API v2. Everything that the plugin supports that the API allows has been done, everything else is marked as not ready in the GUI such as:
** Network Activity on the Dashboard.
** Filtering on Recommended Movies and Shows.
** Filtering in Related Movies and Shows.
** Most Recents in your Networks UserProfile.
** User creation (login is still available).
** Search for Users.
** Search by Movie, Show, Episode and Person only returns limited fields. Unlikely to return, may need to re-think skin design to remove fields and only have thumbnails. Will provide details view for these objects when 'clicked' soon to fill the gap.
* Added support to sync movie and episode MediaInfo to trakt. The website does not display these fields yet.
* Added support for Skin Themes, can now include seperate skin files, images, settings etc per theme.
* Added Titan skin file to installation package. Added seperate skin settings for Extended Two theme as it has a trending dashboard on BasicHome.
* Many improvements and bug fixes on Titan skin files.
* Renamed 'Shouts' to 'Comments'.
* Renamed 'Watch List' to 'Watchlist', you may need to clean up trakt categories in external plugins using old name.
* Removed MyAnime and 4TR plugin handlers, skinners should remove corresponding buttons in Settings/Plugins.
* Rate dialog is only a 10-Heart scale now as per website.
* All cached images will be removed from disk after upgrade. File-names are no longer the same so can't be re-used.
* Temporarily disabled config button to delete your library online (will come back after I re-design).
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Added Custom List syncing from to MovingPictures categories and filters menu. This is in addition to syncing of Recommendations and Watchlist which can be enabled from Settings.
* Added a 'Change View' menu item to the Activity Dashboard context menu, this allows you to select between five different views including two new ones: 'Community', 'Followers', 'Following', 'Friends' and 'Friends And Me'.
* Removed trailers handling from trakt plugin, instead will now hand control over to the Trailers plugin.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Updated trailers support for TV Shows, Seasons and Episodes, handled by Trailers plugin by default.
* Added Trailers plugin to MPEI installer package.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Added sync back of play counts to local MovingPictures database from trakt. This does not include watched history (dates), only playcount as that's all we get back. We now check if the local play count is less than the online count.
* Fixed last played date not syncing to trakt when doing back fill syncing (this was due to an API documentation issue), also added support for this from MP-TVSeries episodes. This is used to indicate when you watched an item for first time syncs or when scrobbles were missed e.g. service is down due to maintenance.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
* Updated support for MediaPortal 1.7.
* Added the Extensions plugin to installation package.
* Updated translations from Transifex.
One of the must have features of this plugin is the watch flag sync, so if you loose your MP install or even use MP on multiple PCs this feature has alot of value.
Being able to view your TV calendars, see what your friends have watched, see what's trending, creating and managing lists of movies/series etc., all from inside Mediaportal, is fantastic.
The Trakt plugin shows the same level of stability and excellence as other plugins by ltfearme, like TV Series, and it is only just started.
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