Android remote is a web server based remote for the MediaPortal. On top of just controlling the MP as any remote you can browse you pictures or music from the database. The data can be transfered to the phone or you can play the MP3 directly on your phone. In the video section you can browse you fil ...
Yahtzee is a popular game. The goal of the game is to score most point by rolling five dice. Every turn you can dice 3 times. A game has 13 rounds and every round you have to choose a comination. Once a combination is used, you cannot use this one again. Good luck
Play Connect4 (Vier gewinnt) within MediaPortal using your remote. You can play versus your HTPC or yet another person on your couch.
Hi there, I was using the vlc player quite a long time for my plugins. Now I feel it is better to use the existing bass player of MP. Also the radio is now more "MP" styled". So I changed the code already to be quite the same as the radio plugin. Just adding my web parser to display title and art ...
This is a plugin to watch movies from the Videoload site. Right now you can access free.videoload site and You can navigate through the sections and watch most of the movies. On the pay site it is possible to rent a movie via Telekom bill, so be warned. A window pops up to remind yo ...
Frustration is a popular game. Your goal is to move all 4 stones into the targets. If possible you must move a stone. Also the start needs to be cleared first as long any stone is in the home area. If you dice a 6 you can dice again. If there is no move left you get 3 tries. Good luck Keys o ...
Hexxagon is one of the most popular animated board games of strategy, loosely based upon Othello and Attaxx!. The original version was written in 1992 by Argo Games, and has been updated for the web by Neave. Finally I updated it for th MP. Game board design by Mikael Söderström YOUR AIM: To tak ...