- New Logo Design: StreamedMP - Modern
- Save last used Settings (last used folders)
- Optional: Create MediaPortal thumb logo subdirectories
I have created this little tool espacially for Deutsches Logo Pack to create very fast Logos in different designs and save a lot of ti ...

A little tool to manage your movies of your MediaPortal Moving Pictures database.
Save all Movie infos in your current movie folder (infos (xbmc standard), Cover and FanArt). You can also save your watch status in you movie folder and using the to tool to import the watch status in your Moving Pict ...

The Deutsches Logo Pack is a collection of TV and Radio Logos.
In this package are included:
- the Logos of the German TV Logos created by MasterMarc
- the Sports and Radio Logos created by me
- a lot of new and updated logos created by different community members.
This pack i ...

preformance optimized
small bug fixes
(If you don't use MPE1 installer (e.g. standalone TvServer), download the manual installation files)
TV Movie EPG Import++ plugin is a replacement for the Tv Movie EPG Import Plugin (Author: rtv) that comes as part of MediaP ...

This Plugin is a ProgramGuide based on the german EPG Data from the Tv Movie Clickfinder Provider (Software). It shows you information for different categories (e.g. Movies, Series, Doku,...), which television program is broadcasting now, at PrimeTime or at LateTime. There is also a Preview for the ...

my TvNiveauChecker
my TvNiveauChecker is a little MediaPortal process plugin that forbids watching tv program defined by users. Or more precisely it gives your Tv plugin a bit more character. Advantage: Never having a discussion, just one argument - Sorry but MediaPortal has character &n ...