MP Photo Slideshow

I've developed a new plugin for MediaPortal 1 that allows you to display a slide show of pictures in customizable templates. MediaPortal 1.6 allows you to choose a plugin as your "screensaver."
- Fixed bug in the setup form that would cause templates to become disabled - Changed settings locations - MUST REBUILD CACHE, if you already created some of your own templates you'll need to copy these from the C:\ProgramData\Team Media Portal\MPSlideshowTemplates.xml to C:\ProgramData\MPPhotoslideshow folder
-Photos now keep their aspect ratio and fit to a template based on certain aspect ratio ranges (see wiki)
-New setting to enable/disable a template if you don't need it (eg. new panorama template)
-Removed label position settings as these are now set programmatically (WIP - having a hard time getting these position right when keeping the aspect ratio)
-Default label color is now white as they don't appear on the photos anymore but rather below - Changed timer so all slides stay at least that long
-no longer allow overlay - Fixed installer error that wouldn't let you install on old versions - Initial Release