TV Management

I created this plugin to be able to Move and Delete Recordings from within MediaPortal. This also works with other files, not just TV Recordings, although it will be "Termed" a recording. This utility can come in Handy if moving Recordings across different volumes, and allows you to move all files across the volume if necessary. With More Knowledge of programing Comes More Improvements, thanks for being Patient! The following Skins are Supported:
There is also an Update waiting after install, this is just a test, and it fixes a minor cosmentic bug.
1. Titan Extended
2. aMPed
3. PureVisionHD 1080
4. Streamed MP
5. Xtreme
6. Frames
7. DefaultWide (Version 3.X - 6.X)
8. Avalon
9. BlackGlass Basic
10. Black Glass Nova HD
11. Mustayaluca (Rename Mode is currently Unsupported)
12. Black Glass HD
13. Black Glass Nova
14. Fidelity 1.4 (Rename Mode is currently Unsupported)
BOTH MediaPortal 3.X, 4.X, 5.X, 6.X will be compatible with the One Main Download!
BOTH Windows 32 bit and 64 bit will be compatible with the One Main Download!
Most new Updates will be Plugin Changes, so Check the Updater Program periodically to keep up to date with the latest Bug Fixes and Enhancements! Also it will help keep TV Management compatible when MediaPortal Updates.
Also the new Compress Mode can potenially make a Recording file larger than it inital size due to overhead encoding information, so use your own discretion.
The Rename Mode has an Option to use a Dictionary, which just makes it easier to rename your recordings without having to type frequently used words over again. NOTE: The Dictionary function does not work with the DefaultWide Skin. You can type anything you want, such as:
The Sing off season.ts
The Voice season.ts
Then the only thing you have to do is select the Name you want, and add after the word "season" a number 1,2,3,..
This was also only tested with Windows 8.1 64 bit, and Windows 7 32 Bit versions.
Anyways enjoy!
*Fixed the TVM Updater to detect Updates easier, and without the need to disable your User Account Security Settings. This will help with keeping up with the latest MP Upgrades, so that TV Management will continue to be compatible, without the need to install another MPEI.
*Added an Uninstaller to remove any remaining traces of the Previous Version of TV Managementl. This will only be needed by previous 32 Bit Users.
*Added Support for both the 32 bit and 64 bit Windows OS with the same installer.
*Fixed default wide Skin.
*Fixed and Added the Rename feature to the Avalon Skin.
Version 5.5:
* Added ability to Rename Recordings, or other Files.
* Fixed the TVM Updater to Display a "Yellow" font Color.
* Fixed some program bugs when exiting the TV Management program.
* Updated the Configuration Utility to be able to add frequently used words for Renameing recordings or files.
* Added handler to alert user if System Security Settings are set to high.
* Fixed a few skins.
Version 5.1:
* Updated StreamedMP Skin & DefaultWide
* Seperated the TVM Updater Program to be an independent program. Removes Confusion.
* Sped up the automatic Check for Updates.
Version 5.0:
* Added feature to dialogue to alert user of what number TV Management had processed.
* Added a GUI Update notification.
* Added Ablity to Compress, and Decompress Recordings.
* Changed the Configuration Utility, to allow showing of saved Settings, and also changed functionality.
* Formatted Drive Space Indicator to be a little easier to read
* Added ability to see size of each selected Recording.
* Fixed some Clear Operation bugs.
* Fixed option "Set Ten" Bug.
* Fixed a potenial error if no free space is found, to alert user.
* Added other message prompts to Alert if certain conditions are triggered.
* Changed the First & Second Directory Prompts to Show what Hard Drive letter that is currently Active.
* Added Filters for Compression & Decompression modes. (Compression Mode will only show files ending in ".ts". Decompresson mode will only
show files ending in ".gz".
* Optimized original code to use less resources.
* Added more information to show when the directory is emptying
* Added and Update Feature to allow users to check for, and update the
TV Management Plugin, to keep up-to-date with the latest changes, and
bug fixes. This also helps to cut down on installing a new package
installer every time for both me and you. The update Feature will only
be available for MediaPortal 3.X and MediaPortal 2.X with the latter until further notice.
* Add Directory information and Drive Space when TV Management first Loads.
Version 4.5:
* Added Progress Bar to Show Overall Indication of progress.
* Changed the Drive Space Indicator to alert if less than 15 gigs.
* Added the ability to Move or Delete multiple Recordings in the Same Operation.
* Added indication to alert you of how many recordings are being Moved under the "Move All Recording action".
* Updated the Configuration Utility to be a little more efficient.
* Fixed aMPed Skin, and tweaked the StreamedMP Skin.
Version 4.0:
* Added Ability to Switch between Different Sets of Files, to access one specific Recording Quicker.
* Reduced file paths to See only file Names and extension in Selection Box.
* Added Notification Dialogues to alert you when an operation is Active.
* Made switching to the second directory to be more seamless.
* Added Hard Drive Space Indicator Where (Green is Good, amber color means Caution the Drive is Below 1 GB of Storage)
* Updated the Configuration Manager to be less confusing to set Directory locations.
* Alphabetized Recording Files.
* Added Support for Titan Extended Skin, PureVisionHD 1080, Fixed some other previously supported Skins.
* Fixed Other bugs, and made program data storage more efficient.
"This version does not yet support the Alpha versions of MediaPortal sorry, I'm still working on the Progress bar addition."
Alpha 1.3.0 version is now supported.
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