
Apollo skin for MediaPortal 1 is modern and fresh keeping your HTPC the center of attention the way it should be.
It has been designed with moving pictures and tvseries in mind as the main media sources but fully supports myvideos too.
Fixed Album/Artist dialog screens layout
Fixed/skinned find album cover art screen
Added ability to select custom tiles in gui editor
Added new darkness theme ( custom tiles set independently from standard theme )
Added ability to set parameter on videos tile
Lot's of small bugfixes
Added release date to extended info for moving pictures
Added support for HTPCinfo
Fixed Apollo Plugin error message in logs
Fixed music nowplaying screens with vumeters ( LED and analog )
Fixed issue with apollo plugin logging missing file error
Changed plugins setting to use dialog list to make it easier to choose between them
Added an all settings/editor screen in settings>gui>skin. 95% of apollo settings are in this one screen now as well as the old locations
Added new osd's to better flow with the design of apollo, if you dont like them keep your old files.
Fixed incompatible plugins screen
Fixed missing disc image for stacked movie
Removed top shadow in movie/series screens when fanart is enabled so it does not break the fanart flow ( small change but big difference )
Made new osd's match for online videos
Added red buffer bar for progressbar in OV osd
Added MyEmulators 2 support
Fixed search epg screen listings
Added support for MPsteam
Updated Apollo plugin to backup skin settings on exit
Updated installer settings restore code to c# and tested with virustotal 100% clean at time of build
Added elapsed time with ends in time for osd's
Added translations for elapsed and ends in strings
Added percent watched in moving pictures
Fixed scraping string in moving pictures
Increased size of subtitle label so text does not get cut off
Changed CC to subtitles in tvseries to match moving pics
Added making the main menu stay highlighted when you move down on to tiles
Added highlight gradient to tiles when focused
Added a couple more colorful tiles in tv screen ( feel free to change them if you dont like them )
Fixed tvseries fanart chooser screen
Changed some tile art in tvseries/movies screen
Added option to hide tv from menu in home screen
Updated trakt files to mirror latest dashboard options
Fixed overlapping label in moving pictures importer
Added tvrecording season/episode numbers if supported and description in latest info
Added ability to set onlinevideos in unwatched/settings tile ( press f9/info on the tile )
Added now playing button to radio hidden menu
Added new tvrecording indicator due to issues with mediaportal core
Added core plugins like mymusic,myvideo etc to plugin tile options (If you set movpics/tvseries/myvids or mymusic in plugin tiles you can enable latest info for them in settings>gui>skin)
Added watched % indicator to myvideos to match moving pictures
Added new fanart theme which adds a new view to movpics/myvids/tvseries listview and details view
Added two additional multishortcuts to plugins, set id's to 8970 and 8971 respectively
Fixed remaining time label being cut off on longer dj mixes
Adjusted now playing screen for a better look and to add some more useful information about the track being played.
Added support for world weather full (wip)
Coded ability to see which of the supported plugins are installed
Added time remaining to osd when using skip steps (videos)
Created some scripts and built into installer to migrate previous skin settings provided the supplied tool is used to backup first
Fixed a few menu bugs in myvideos hidden menu
Fixed SE and empty icon if no latest tvseries available
Added ability to set myvideos tile as movingpictures tile
Fixed exception in settings>gui ( thanks @sebastiii )
Fixed LatestMedia 'frame' (without art) on bottom when 'only show unwatched xxx' is checked in LMH.
Renamed latest media setting to avoid confusion
Added extended info view to myvideos
For those that can get dvdart to download music discs cdart is supported in now playing screen
Added ability to change parameter on tvseries unwatched tile
Fixed text cut off on logomanager
Adjusted blue list color to match skin
Added ability to navigate tile to tile between menus ie. movies latest media right to tvseries tile without going to main menu.
Fixed settings>music scan status overlap
Added multishortcut support
Added ability to set filter parameters on movies tile to jump direct the categories
Added ability to use info button on movie settings tile to switch it to a category filter tile
Fixed (workaround) music art not updating in now playing when using a playlist
Adjusted dvdart path in moving pictures to account for people who change their database location etc
Fixed trakt rating dialog
Fixed moving pictures importer screen
Latest tv thumb should not be visible if unchecked in lmh now
Added missing shadows in nowplaying screen for small art
Widened label for studio and writer values in myvideos details screen
Added fanart options ( main settings>skin )
Fixed a potential issue with language file
Added ability to change myvideos tile between playdisc, trakt, online videos or myvideos
Added ability to use movies tile as myvideos
Added missing subs indicator (CC) in series extra info
Fixed expression which detects video type in tvseries extra info ( showed 1080 as SD ) thanks @pog
Brought miniguide inline with main guide
Fixed title overlapping list view with ridiculously long names in recorded tv
Added setting to expand main menu a bit more if you set longer names
Added oninfo to tvseries button to set which filter you want it to use
Fixed quick settings first highlighted button and looping
Fixed Default cover missing in genre view for tvseries listview
Fixed aspect for folder thumb in recorded tv
Added time to top right of tvguide when tv is playing
Fixed trakt shouts view
Fixed hidden menu navigation in trakt episode views
Added extra info to OV pause osd
Fixed OV skip osd position
Added mvCentral support
Added ability to use mvCentral in audio tile options
Adjusted subtitles/video/audio options in video and tv osd to follow context menus
Fixed tvguide being white if disable use colors for guide setting (not recommened)
Fixed media logos overlapping in another screen (myvideos)
Adjusted time space in main menu to allow for am/pm users
Adjusted tvguide layout slightly to avoid overlapping of items at the top
Added support for FritzBox!Manager
Added support for World News plugin
Added support for Radiotime plugin
Added setting for extra info in info pane for moving pictures i.e. runtime and rating in listview (movpics hidden menu option)
Added setting for extra info in info pane for tvseries i.e. runtime and genre (tvseries hidden menu option)
Fixed audio duration sometimes being offset in music
Release v1.0.0.2
Adjusted aspect ratios in OV
Fixed season and episode views in trakt popular
Fixed OV osd to match videos and tv
Fixed site settings context menu
Fixed settings>music>database
Fixed header visible when media playing in Playlist music and others
Fixed Rockstar now playing overlay is black
Fixed latest myvideos info disappearing when play button focused
Fixed tvseries playlist no background
Added missing media info logos to myvideos details view
Added translations for plugin tiles and headers in screens where it was missing
Fixed latest myvideo playable disappearing if " use rss instead of latest info " is checked
Added option to switch to extended banner view in tvseries hidden menu
Added latest music playable in homescreen music
Release v1.0.0.1
Fixed video window overlay in online videos
Fixed thumb not being displayed in listviews in OV
Fixed listview title overlapping runtime in OV
Adjusted aspect of thumbs in online videos so no thumbs in thumbsview panel are squashed
Fixed navigation for settings tile in tvscreen
Added basic support for showtime plugin
Added ability to switch between settings/radio/rockstar and myLyrics in audio settings tile
Added ability to switch between 7 row and 12 row tvguide in main gui>skin settings
Added ability to customize all tile labels except plugins ( plugins are the selected plugins name )
Fixed media logo overlap dialog screen in moving pictures
*Online Videos
*World weather lite
*MusicInfo Handler
*Fritz!Box manager
*MultiShortcut x3 ( manually change plugin ID to: 8969/8070/8971 )
*htpc info

These are false positives as usual from Microsoft, it's triggered by the settings backup to migrate your settings between updates to make it easier for the user, either way it's been changed for the next release but leaving a 1 star review for that is just unnecessary.

You should be asking in the forum not here but it's your browser that is the issue. Either use the Extensions Manager app, use another browser or rename the file from .zip to .mpe1
It's also a very stylish skin, without going overboard with flashy animations or other unnecessary stuff. As I'm writing this review, I'm using version I'm sure the upcoming versions will be even better.

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