Avalon Skin

The team that brought you "Maya" is proud to annouce a brand new skin called Avalon!
We have been designing and developing for about one year on a 1920x1080 skin that will offer a clean
and simple layout without compromising the ever growing need for information at a glance.
You will have the choice between several layouts to suit your needs. All configurable from within MP.
(A special thanks to the StreamedMP Team for sharing their code and inspiration)
As you all know from "Maya" we hold on to the concept of making all screens as consistent as possible
for a better user interface experience. (should also enhance the WAF)
- fixed Togglebutton Size in TV Home menu in default layout
- fixed wrong font in TVCropping file
- fixed issue with broken Avalon languages in MPE installer
- updated for MP 1.10.0 support
- updated External Plugin Installers
- added Logomanager plugin support
- added Bing Image plugin support
- added WorldNews plugin support
- added WorldWeatherlite plugin support
- fixed broken Radio Epg Guide
- fixed some small issues
Changelog 1.3.0
- added MyFilms 6.0 support
- added Trakt support (V3.0 soon)
- added TVSeries 3.5.0 support
- added ShoutcastRadio support
- added movingpictures importer
- added MP 1.4 compatibility for Avalon Skin Settings
- added Emulators 2 support
- added more FullHD Plugin Backdrops
- added MediaSlayer support
- added SleepControl support
- added Clickfinder support (thanks to @Zoidberg77 for basefiles)
- added Clickfinder Support 1.0.4 (thanks to @Zoidberg77 for basefiles)
- added TSbuffer Colours in OnlineVideos OSD
- added mvCentral Plugin Support
- added ArgusTV support
- added MusicInfoHandler support
- added new Sudoku design
- reworked TV Teletext
- redesign of Album/Artist Infos
- updated settings for MP 1.4
- updated MyFilms detail layout to match MovingPictures
- changed unwatched icon in TVSeries listview to 'dot'
- changed unwatched icons in MyFilms listview
- removed watched icons in MyFilms listview
- removed watched icon in TVSeries listview
- fixed Issue in Basichome with missing MyFilms latestadded Movieposter
- fixed Issue in WorldWeather with missing Weather Images
- fixed SubCentral
- fixed broken Music and MyVideo playlists files
- fixed small issue with missing rss background in Music Albumview
- fixed small issue with missing Fanart in Music Albumview
- fixed missing MusicCover Grabber Files
- fixed TVSeries pin dialog
- fixed label2 y-position in TVSeries listview
- fixed poster shadow visibility in MyFilms
fixed Togglebutton Size in TV Home menu in default layout
fixed wrong font in TVCropping file
fixed issue with broken Avalon languages in MPE installer
updated for MP 1.10.0 support
updated External Plugin Installers
added Logomanager plugin support
added Bing Image plugin support
added WorldNews plugin support
added WorldWeatherlite plugin support
fixed broken Radio Epg Guide
fixed some small issues
Skin is updated, have fun.
In my view this should be the default skin. Sorry to say that, but really the "new" default skin (replacing Blue3) is a step backwards in terms of aethestics in my personal opinion. And it's aesthetics that gives a lot of the first impression to something like MediaPortal.
On a more obscure note, my (let's be honest) rather odd MediaPortal system only has a projector as a display, no LCD panel or similar. And it's a 4:3 projector - still relatively common even though 4:3 LCD panels are really dying out. I just want to say that Avalon essentially works on a 4:3 display with some stretched images (e.g. CD album cover art is rectangular). Personally I can live with it, well I _am_ living with it!
If you haven't tried it before - go! go ! go!
ABER: Bin ich zu blöd oder gibt's keine Maussteuerung bei der Musikwiedergabe? Beim internen Videoplayer habe ich schöne Buttons, mit denen man die Wiedergabe auch mal pausieren kann. Musik? Fehlanzeige. Ich komme auch nicht per Rechtsklick irgendwo in den Hintergrund zurück ins Hauptmenü wie bei den Videos. Hier geht beim Rechtsklick das Dateimenü auf. Soll das so?
Da ich Musik meist nicht über den HTPC höre, stört das nicht wirklich, aber wenn doch, ist Avalon an der Stelle unbedienbar, da man nicht mal eben Pause (oder Stop) drücken kann.
Great work!
Gut wäre noche ein MediaSlayer Unterstützung und die Untermenüs würde ich auch gerne im Basic-Homescreen einblenden können.
The only niggles I have was the option to change the number of lines for the TV guide and mini guide (which the developer has addressed in a earlier comment) but also in the TV guide the light blue selector and the light blue writing makes it a little hard to read the upcoming shows when scrolling.
But it now my favorite running on all 4 of my clients that I have :-)
Thanks again and keep up the great work!
Includes all the features I wanted:
- Fanart
- Recent recordings.
- A clear and consistent but stylish layout.
The only thing I've found to criticise is
that I wish the TV mini guide included more rows.
Otherwise, 99.9% perfect!
Thank you.
You can set the tvminiguide to have eight rows in the skin config.
Settings->Skin Settings->TV
Hope that`s the thing you mean.
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