Fidelity Skin

Here it comes, the new Version of Fidelity Skin "1.4"
(..sorry for the long delay, was to much work in real life ;-) )
..many thanks for help on the new version goes to "Pünktchen" !
This Skin is in the line with all changes of MP for 1.2
The goal of the skin is to have a clean gui as possible, by a modern professional look.
The new version is a complete overworked one, which means nearly all stuff is done new and make use of all the new cool stuff we have now inside Mp Skin engine.
Special thanks here to ajp and marvman for the fantastic new skin engine improvements, besides all the other developer of MP what have done a great Job there.
The skin uses now in all views and relevant GFX, the new Mask stuff, that means no fake GFX are longer needed to make rounded edges or else there.
With that overwork stuff the skin has now the possibility to easy change the design with other colours, means you can now self choose how the skin should look like, Blue, green, red or what you want.
The Skin package will come with a customize folder, where you can choose the colour you like best.
For now the skin customize is possible for Blue, red, green and purple colour and also for the time of the day Colour change. “Time of the Day colour” changes the Background colour self by using the time steps of the day, so it use over the Day for 24 hours, 24 Colour steps.
Skin supports now also fanarthandlerplugin, so you will see fanartbackdrops now in filmstrip and cover flow views in Music and Video parts, also the Now playing screen supports now fan art.
The new List view in the skin uses now also mask stuff for the preview of selected item, so the preview is now inside the background with a smooth fade and fits to all Background colours self.
In Basichomescreen you will see also a new icon that is called “Word clock”. This is a complete new clock what tells you the time in real words in a nice matrix. Also supports it music information of now playing.
Also do the skin now supports much more Plugins in there newest versions for MP1.2.
There are so many new stuff inside the skin, which it is too much to list all here, so it will be the best to test out the skin your self. ;)
Would be nice if you vote the skin on Download page with the Star rating, which will make the new skin version more popular and will help new users to find them better. “Many Thanks”
If you want change the Colour of the skin, you will find a folder called “Customize” inside the skin folder.
In this “Customize” folder you have the xml´s for the colours, like Blue, Red, Green,
Purple and “Time of the Day colour”.
You only have to copy and paste the relevant xml to the Skin folder.
So let’s start the download and have fun with the skin.
Best regards Harley
The attention to detail is amazing.
Many functions are inside which on other skins don`t.
Great job was taken from Harley :-)
This is my second favorite skin, only beaten by StreamedMP with its updater, home menu editor and developer activity.
If it was only about the looks fidelity would win.
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