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 MediaPortal 1.34
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Plugin Related Changes in 1.2.0

The following changes were done between MediaPortal Release 1.1.0 and 1.2.0 which affect plugins.

See also: Changes between previous MediaPortal Versions:

Bug Fixes

Update to plugin is required:

The following changes must be done in all skins to remain compatible with MediaPortal 1.2.0:

Update to plugin is not required:

The following changes have been made in MediaPortal 1.2.0 to fix reported bugs, but do not require any changes to plugins:

Skin changes that are relevant for plugin developers also:

These changes affect mainly the skinning section of MediaPortal but are also relevant for plugin developers:

New Controls/Features

Update to plugin is required:

The following new features or enhancements must be done in all skins to remain compatible with MediaPortal 1.2.0:

Update to plugin is optional:

The following new features or enhancments may added in all skins supporting MediaPortal 1.2.0:

Skin changes that are relevant for plugin developers also:

These changes affect mainly the skinning section of MediaPortal but are also relevant for plugin developers:



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