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  • Required:  Yes - for plugins which distribute skin files
  • Type of Change:  Rework

Description of Change

In 1.2.0 Beta, we introduce a new default skin. In this process, the "Blue3" and "Blue3wide" folders were removed.

Our new skin uses the folders "Default" and "DefaultWide"

Plugins which distribute skinfiles must:

  1. update their installers/MPEI packages to store the files in the new folders
  2. update their actual skinfiles to be compatible with the new default skin
  3. ensure that they do not replace present xml or gfx files from the default skin
  4. provide new hover images - old 'Mepos' don't fit,.  The recommended hover could be the same icon/style used in Config Tool > Plugins
  5. Common.window1.xml - has been removed from the default skin. I your plugin skin files import it, please change it to common.window.xml
  6. In addition there are several 'required' skin changes that may also affect plugins depending on the features used in the skin files, in particular:
    1. Duplicate ID handling changed
    2. Hidden Animations Execute on Windowopen and Visiblechange Animations
    3. Smsinputcontrol control Removed and Keyboard Skinning
    4. It is recommended that plugins adopt the new Common Control IDs See WindowPluginBase Class for further details.


Many new skin features can help improve plugin skin files and make them consistent with the new Default Skin style, which uses many of these features. Please review Skin Related Changes in 1.2.0

The new Default Skin uses Verdana font rather than Franklin Gothic and is a different sized font.  As a result, plugin skin files which display text fields may require repositioning of text elements. (or a change in the font size used).

Media Overlays now have a background which requires slightly more space and are aligned slightly differently than in B3.  Some skin files might need to adjust skin elements to prevent media overlays from overlapping.



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