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In MediaPortal, features are technically plugins, so they all appear in Configuraton > Plugins
However, different plugins can be configured in different ways.
For further information on the different types of plugins in MediaPortal, see Reference > Plugins
Customize which Features display and where
- Go to MediaPortal Configuration (via Desktop or Start Menu Shortcut)
- Browse to the Plugins section
- Under Windows Plugins, highlight the feature plugin (such as Video, Music, etc) and press the Disable/Enable toggle button at the bottom
- To Enable/Disable a Feature
Press the Disable/Enable toggle button at the bottom - To Display a Feature on either the Home or Plugins Window
You may choose to display any feature, or any other plugin, on the Home Window or the Plugins Window:
Configure Features
Features have separate sections in Configuration for customizing feature settings.
See also TV-Server for TV-Server and Radio configuraton.
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