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The General section contains settings that affect MediaPortal as a whole.

Accessing General Settings

These options can also be set from within the MediaPortal interface, see Settings >  General MP Settings

The left Navigation Panel can be expanded by clicking on the + symbol to show all the General configuration options.

The General Configuration section contains sub pages for:


On the main General page:

General settings

Log verbosity

Default: Debug for Beta release - information for Final release

Sets the detail level of the log files that are stored in the 


 folder underneath the MediaPortal application folder. See log4net logging for information about configuring log files in MediaPortal.

Process priority

Default: Normal

Sets the priority of MediaPortal, higher gives MediaPortal more systems resources but too high can make the system unstable or crash when MediaPortal crashes.

Watchdog settings

Watchdog enabled - monitor crashes

Watchdog is the MediaPortal Debug tool. It can monitor MediaPortal and automatically gather the log files, zip them to your desktop and restart MediaPortal for you, if you choose.

Automatically Restart MP

Default: Enabled - auto restarts MP if it crashes
Note: You can also run Watchdog by using the MediaPortal Debug-Mode Shortcut which you will find on your Windows Start menu under Team-MediaPortal > MediaPortal.

Delay in Seconds

Default: 10

Sets a delay before MediaPortal restarts.



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