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Once you have completed Quick Setup, run MediaPortal for the first time and test your basic setup.

Startup/Resume Settings

If you wish to run your HTPC as a MediaPortal Client (i.e.using mainly or only MediaPortal) you can configure the Startup/Resume settings:

  1. Open the General settings menu and select Startup/Resume Settings
  2. Leave the default ticked items as they are and do the following:
    • Put a tick in the "Autostart MediaPortal On Windows Startup" option, if you would like MediaPortal to start up on boot.
    • Put a tick in the "Use alternative fullscreen Splashscreen)" if you wish.
    • Put a tick in the "Keep MP Always on Top" option if you are having problems with MediaPortal losing focus during use.

Starting MediaPortal

There are several ways you can start MediaPortal:

  1. When Windows starts (based upon the Startup/Resume Settings you selected above)
  2. Double click on the MediaPortal shortcut on your desktop 
  3. Press the green button  on your MCE remote control - if it doesn't work see Green Button  setup).

Once MP has started up, you will see the either the Default or Titan skin depending which you selected during installation.(You can change the skin later if you wish as discussed in the Skins Setup guide).

You should be able to use your remote to navigate round the GUI. Or if using a keyboard, see Keyboard Shortcuts. If you get lost at any time, then simply press the MCE green button, or the "H" key on the keyboard to return to the "Home Screen". 

You can choose either the Classic Home (shown below) or Basic Home screen in GUI Settings (see Home or Basic Home)

To learn more about the standard features of the MediaPortal user interface and navigation, see Basics.

You should be able to access the menus for and view the following media:

  • Music
  • Videos
  • Pictures

Exiting MediaPortal

There are several ways to exit MediaPortal, depending on the input device you use:

  • *Remote - *navigate to the "Home Screen" you use via the green button:
    • Classic Home - press right to move the cursor to the top icons and select the "X" symbol
    • Basic Home - press up to display the the 'top bar' and navigate left to the 'X" icon (navigation may vary based on the skin you use)
  • Mouse - hover the mouse at the top of the screen to display the 'top bar' and click the 'X" icon
  • Keyboard - you can use "ALT+F4"  

What's Next?

Once you have experimented a bit and confirmed your basic setup is working you can proceed to:

  • TV Setup - if you installed TV-Server on this system
  • Client Setup - if you plan to use this system as a TV Client connected to your TV-server.
  • Power Saving - if you do not plan to use TV in MediaPortal





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