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Using MySQL WorkBench for set the setting at first start.

First all, MySQL Workbench  must be installed on computer, where TVServer is installed and configured.



1 . TVService state.

Verify than SetupTV.exe and TVService.exe are not running.

Open TaskManager,

Verify in Services Tab, if TVServer is stopped, if not stop it.

Verify, if the TVservice.exe is not always present on  Processus  tab, if present : close it.

Few times, the services, can be stopped on Services tab , but always present on as Processus.


2.  MySQL Workbench.

Start MYSQL Workbench and enter on MySQL server.

it will ask you an password, it's the same than MediaPortal use for acces to MySQL Server.

The default password is " MediaPortal " with case sensitive.


3. Server table content edit.

on the left you have an SCHEMAS line

select your database, by default it's "mptvdb"

Move the mouse over "server" and you can see 3 small icons, click on the 3rd who correspond to "table".

Clicking on this icon, open a new tab on the right side.


4.  Update the value stored.

The new tab displayed, show you, the content of the table server.

Select the cell under " Hostname", and delete the value inside.

WARN : the cell must be empty, if the cell show "NULL", it will not work.

When Done, click on Apply



5. Apply change.

A new popup open, like the screen under.

it show you the command line for update the cell

UPDATE `mptvdb`.`server` SET `hostName`='' WHERE `idServer`='1';

Click on Apply for do the replacement.

An message succes will be displayed.


6. Update SetupTV

Now, you can close all the window, before start SetupTV.

Start SetupTV, MP ask you if you want start TVService,

Click YES

A new popup appear, with the information, than you have an wrong setting, and ask you, if you want update the database to this computer.

Click YES

The ultimate Dialog -popup, will inform you than SetupTV, must be closed.

Click YES

7. Start SetupTV.

Now, you can start SetupTV, without error !

IF aniway, you have error message, before posting new thread on forum, try to search on it, if your problem is not referenced : open a new one.




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