Music: Recently Updated Listings 

MyLyrics displays the lyric of the currently played song in MediaPortal.
The plugin can show LRC's and plain lyrics. It uses music tags and online access in its search. You can even create your very own LRC file from a plain lyric with the built-in LRC editor and share it with the community.

MPSync (this replaces CDB_Sync) is a new process plugin that allows you to synchronize ALL your MediaPortal databases and thumbs from one main client onto a central location and then have any other client synchronize its database from this central location. This plugin caters only for database synch ...

“Music was my first love and it will be my last …”
- “Music” by John Miles
Playing digital music can sometimes be quite frustrating for a music lover. You might encounter situations like below:
Songs are not displayed correctly in MediaPortal or other media players
Artists are nam ...

mvCentral is a plugin for managing your Music Video collection and is a progression for the older mVids and MP Music Videos plugins on which this was originally based.
mvCentral will scan your video collection and create a database; metadata is currently sourced from Last.FM and Discogs and provide ...

Version 2 of the MediaPortal Tag EditorNew DesignMost of the features of MPTagThat are already portedRuns on 64-bit systems only.

Fanart Handler is a plugin for MediaPortal (MP). The plugin basically supports;
Search and download music artist fanart or artist thumbnails (scrape) from the htbackdrops site.
for all artists stored in your MP music database.
for any artist currently being played (on the fly)
Push ...

MediaTip is a MediaPortal plugin to display music, video and picture related information at your fingertips. Additionally this plugin supports file level and tag level integrity check solutions including a high level summary of your existing media library.

An Airplay server for MediaPortal.
Allows you to stream videos, photos and audio from your iDevice/iTunes to MediaPortal using Apple's AirPlay.
The plugin requires that Apple's bonjour service is installed.

This simple plugin works into the background to automate scraping artist and album info.
This information can then be accessed through the Artist and Album Info pages (via the context meny) or used by skinners (the attached screenshots are from a mod for StreamedMP)
The plugin simply starts scrapi ...

Why? Since Windows Vista and Windows 7 it isn't possible to change the audio renderer via registry-key anymore! Tools like Vista Audio Changer need to manually stop and start the playing. Requirements
Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows XP Function This plugin changes druing the playing (Music (onl ...

Global Search allows you to search through your complete music library and provides functionality to control what you want to do with the search results such as 'Play Now' or 'Add to Playlist'.
Download For MediaPortal 1.6 and below can be found on the plugin's download page, the download available ...

The Plugin comes with over 8000's Onlineradiostations from all over the World. MP TvSever is not used. Create your own filter from Country, City and any more. Make your own favorites List.
supported Skin's: PureVision HD (thx Catavolt) Titan DefaultWide
Note: In Problems w ...

This plugin allows you to create and execute smart playlists linked to your music collection.A smart playlist is a playlist generated with a custom database query. Once created, this playlist can be played in the music module of MePo
How it works?
- First you have to define the smartplaylists you ...

Pandora MusicBox is a plugin that will allow you to listen to Pandora Radio inside MediaPortal. While the plugin currently has a limited feature set you can currently manage and listen to existing stations on your account. This plugin requires a Pandora account before using.
Please be aware that de ...

This process plugin for Mediaportal is a Upnp Renderer.You can send your music, videos or pictures with a handy, tablet, pc or any other upnp controller device from your upnp media server to Mediaportal. You can play the selected mediafiles at mediaportal by using the "playTo" or "Throw" function fr ...

MP Online Mixes is a plugin that searches for particular dj-sets/mixes on a sound-cloud. When a mix is found it will show the results on the screen in MP-style - Title, DJ, Genre, info about the mix (tracks, comments...if available).You can listen to the mix, dowload it or search alternatives ...

MyPlexMedia (1.5.0 Compatibility Release & new Stuff) - for MediaPortal 1.2.x! Documentation:
A MediaPortal plugin to browse your Plex Media Server(s). This is my 4th Plugin after MySleepTimer and MyChitChat and EndlessCheez
MyPlexMedia (1.0.0 Initial Sta ...

Do you love music videos? The plugin let's you browse, search, play, and download Music videos from YouTube, right in MediaPortal!
Browse by YouTube charts (like Most..., Top..., Recent.., Trending, etc,) or by Artist, Country, BillBoard Charts, Vevo, Eurovision and top music vid ...