MediaPortal 2.0 Alpha - RELEASED
The MediaPortal Team is very proud to announce our first Alpha release of the long anticipated MediaPortal 2.
You can find the download link at the bottom of these release notes, but it has been placed at the bottom for a reason. There are few things you need to understand before you begin the installation.
- This is an "Alpha Release", meaning support & features will be on the lighter side, while bugs and errors could be on the heavier side.
- MP2 can only be installed on the Windows 7 OSes. XP and Vista are not supported at this time.
- While most people will download MP2 to "check it out", we need to know what you think, so please help us by filling in bug reports. Find out how here.
- You can have MP2 installed and working along side your MP1 installation. Have no fear that looking at MP2 will harm your MP1 setup.
- There are not many plugins supported for MP2 as of yet, so do not think that MP2 is ready to replace your MP1... remember this is an Alpha Release.
Why MediaPortal 2?
Normally in this section of MediaPortal's release notes, we go over changes and offer many links to the changelog. Well, MP2 is brand new, nothing has changed as it has never been released before. That being said let's take a look at some of the differences of MP2 from MP1 and why it is/will be considered superior to MP1.
As MediaPortal 2 is a complete rework, the team was able to apply some of the things learned from the first go around. This allowed for the structure to be rewrote in a manner which, in many ways, has increased stability over MP1. Now that is not to say MP2 will never crash on you, as I mentioned, this is an Alpha Release, but the groundwork has been laid for more stable and polished software for your HTPC.
Modular and Flexible Design
While MP1's extendability is awesome, MP2's is jaw dropping. Allowing for every aspect of MP2 to be a plugin this allows for more fluid design of future MP2 updates and extensions.
XAML-based skin engine (MPF)
The new skin engine in MP2 is XAML based and in most parts compatible to WPF. This allows simple and flawless design of new MP2 skins. If you wish to know more about XAML, click here.
With MP2 users can change the look and feel of MP2 on-the-fly. Each theme can support multiple color schemes and, in the future, on a by user basis.
Concurrent Playback
Now you can enjoy PiP (Picture in Picture), image slideshows and other video enhancements due to MP2's allowing of concurrent playback of multiple video streams.
Multiseat Architecture (Client/Server)
While it has always been possible to have one server host all databases and media for multiple HTPC clients, results with MP1 have been spotty and slow at best. MP2 has been structured from the ground up with a true client/server architecture allowing for seamless connectivity.
New Media Library
The Media Library of the MP2 server provides a flexible back end for all media files, allowing for faster access of thumbs, metadata and the media content itself.
Other changes:
For more information on the other advantages of MP2 please read our MP2 Wiki
Installation Notes:
- You will need to have the latest DX9 runtime installed. Most MP1 users will have it installed but if not, you can download it here.
- After downloading the MP2 installer, launch it and follow the instructions provided in the installation wizard.
After the Installation
- All configuration is done from within MP2 itself. Launch the program and access the settings menu from the home screen.
- You can also read the Quick Start Guide
- Comments can be left here
Report Problems and Support:
- All bug reports must be sent here
.::. MediaPortal 2.0 Alpha .::.
If you want to support the project, then we would be grateful to receive a small donation...