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As of v 1.9.0, you can use Advanced Options in the TV/Radio Configuration section to configure slow motion sync and use of UNC paths or RTSP.

Advanced Options

Three options have been added as Advanced Options:

  • Do not use slow motion to sync video to audio on channel change
  • *Single seat setup: force RTSP usage.*
  • Multi seat setup: use UNC paths.

The slow motion sync from TsReader on channel changes can be disabled here if you don't like the effects.

By default the TV-Server uses UNC paths for timeshifting in a single-seat setup, and RTSP in a multi-seat setup.

Note: These options were previously available only as Debug Options when you start the configuration from a command line option as described in the Command Line Options Wiki:

Configuration.exe /debugoptions

, and have been reworked/improved

Single-seat setup

For a single-seat setup you have the option to force RTSP usage, instead of the default UNC paths.

Multi-seat setup

For multi-seat setups, you can now specify either RTSP (default) or UNC paths (option) for both timeshifting and recordings.
  Tip MediaPortal will try to connect to the TV-Server's recording and timeshift folder by Windows' administrator share, by default

\\<server name>\C$\Users\Public\Recorded TV


\\<server name>\C$\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer

if you leave the UNC path fields blank however it's not a good practice to let clients access the server this way. It's recommended that you share the server's recording and timeshift folders manually and set the appropriate permissions.

Additional UNC settings

When enabling UNC paths in a multi-seat setup, it is recommended to provide the Recording and Timeshifting UNC paths. The paths should point to the same folder as configured in TV-Server Configuration > Recording and TV-Server Configuration > Timeshifting which has to be shared on the TV-Server.







TV/Radio Advanced and Debug Options







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