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How to install and change skins in MediaPortal


MediaPortal 1.3.0 and later includes the following skins:

  • Titan - 1080p
  • DefaultWide - 720p
  • Default - 4:3 

During installation of 1.3.0 or later you may choose which skin to use as your default. You may also choose to download Titan Extended which adds support for many Extensions and additional features.

 Tip: Always setup MediaPortal and test your installation with one of the provided skins before installing any additional skins!

Finding Skins

There are many different skins available for MediaPortal. Some offer sophisticated options and tools that let you customize the skin, especially the Basic Home screen to list the items/features you use most often.

There are several ways to view and select the skin you prefer

  • Skins Gallery - screenshots and descriptions of features
  • Extensions > Skin - listings on the MP website with screenshots, details, latest updates, links to documentation and forum for support - See Downloads Repository for more info.
  • MPEInstaller - can display screenshots, details as well as install and update skins
    • Extensions plugin - offers the same functions within MP GUI

For Skins in development, or new versions available for testing, see the Skins Forum

Installing Skins

Installing a skin is very easy, you can either:

  1. Run the .mpe1 installer you have downloaded
  2. Use the MPEInstaller via the desktop shortcut 


Make sure you install a skin that is compatible with the version of MediaPortal you are using (and supports the plugins you wish to use). Not all skins support all plugins. Nor do they all support the same/latest versions of plugins, though most do.

The Extensions Installer will tell you which skins are compatible with your version of MediaPortal, and usually list the plugins supported.

You can search by version compatibility using Advanced Search in the Extensions > Skin listings. 

Note: If you try to install or use a skin that is not compatible with your current version of MediaPortal, you will get a warning. See Skin Compatibility for more info.

Configuring Skins

Some skins offer configuration tools or plugins that allow you to customize skin features. Refer to the Skin documentation for details, many of which are listed in this wiki under Skins.

Warning: If you plan to install and try or use several different skins, be careful when installing skins that also install plugins/extensions.  The MP Extensions Installer does not fully support this yet - uninstalling your skin may result in uninstalling all your plugins (or reverting them to a previous version you had installed). It is recommended to install plugins using the MPEInstaller via the desktop shortcut 

Select or Change a Skin

A skin can be selected or changed either by:

  1. Using MediaPortal Configuration > GUI
    1. Click on the "GUI" menu
    2. Highlighting the skin you want
    3. Click OK
  2. Using Settings > GUI >Skin Settings within MP
    1. Click on the currently selected skin name
    2.  Selecting your new preferred skin from the list.

Note, You can also select which Home Screen you prefer Home or BasicHome?

Skin Support

For support for the Default/Wide and Titan skins provided with MediaPortal, see the forums:

All other skins are supported by the skin designer. See Extensions > Skins in this wiki, or request support in the appropriate Skin forum

Further Information



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