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How to collect and attach log files to a support thread

Any request for support, or bug report requires log files. See Tester's Guide for further information.

For Reproducible Problems within MediaPortal

  1. Exit MediaPortal if it is loaded/running.
  2. Go to the Windows Start Menu, navigate to the Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal folder and select MediaPortal WatchDog. Alternatively you can start the MediaPortal WatchDog from the shortcut on your desktop.
  3. In the new window, select the first option "Report a Bug to Team MediaPortal" and press the Proceed button

  4. This will automatically start MediaPortal in a special Debug Mode, in which only the default skin and plugins will be loaded.
  5. After startup, reproduce your problem and close MediaPortal afterwards.
  6. The WatchDog (Debug Mode) then automatically creates a zip file with all necessary MediaPortal and system logs and saves it on your desktop.

  7. Log in to your MediaPortal account and navigate to the correct place in the forums
  8. Click the 'Post New Thread' button here:
  9. You will see the new thread creation page
  10. Once you have completed the thread title with a description of the error and given as many details of the problem as possible (including any information on how to replicate the problem), click the 'Upload a File' button here:

    The system will ask which file should be uploaded with the usual dialog box - select the logs file created from the above steps and click ok.
  11. The system will attach the logs to the forum post and someone will reply as soon as possible.

For Non Reproducible Problems within MediaPortal

  1. If a non reproducible problem recurs, exit the MediaPortal application
  2. Go to the Windows start menu, navigate to the Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal folder and select MediaPortal WatchDog.
  3. Choose the 3rd option: Export all currently present logs to collect all existing MediaPortal and system logs.

  4. The WatchDog (Debug Mode) then automatically creates a zip file with all necessary MediaPortal and system logs saved to the specified destination. The default is the your desktop.

  5.   You can now attach this file to your support thread or post, warning you need to be using the forum "Go advanced" setting found under the post text box to see the next pictures advanced controls, + opens upload window, once uploaded, down arrow to right of + will attach file to post.  

For problems with the MediaPortal Configuration tool

  1. Open the configuration and reproduce your problem. Close Configuration then.
  2. Go to the Windows start menu, navigate to the MediaPortal folder and start MediaPortal WatchDog.
  3. Choose the 3rd option: Export all currently present logs to collect all existing MediaPortal and system logs.

  4. The WatchDog (Debug Mode) then automatically creates a zip file with all necessary MediaPortal and system logs saved to the specified destination. The default is the your desktop.
     You can now attach this file to your support thread or post NOTE - you will need a valid forum account to complete this procedure
  5. Log in to your MediaPortal account and navigate to the correct place in the forums
  6. Click the 'Post New Thread' button here:

    You will see the new thread creation page
  7. Once you have completed the thread title with a description of the error and given as many details of the problem as possible (including any information on how to replicate the problem), click the 'Upload a File' button here:

    The system will ask which file should be uploaded with the usual dialog box - select the logs file created from the above steps and click ok.
  8. The system will attach the logs to the forum post and someone will reply as soon as possible.



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